Second Year Department Courses
biology 2244: statistics
An introductory course in the application of statistical methods, intended for honours students in departments other than Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, or students in the Faculty of Engineering. Topics include sampling, confidence intervals, analysis of variance, regression and correlation.
2 hour lectures and 3 hour labs/tutorials per week
Alternate grading available. Refer to the syllabus.
Textbook: Not required
2 hour lectures and 3 hour labs/tutorials per week
- Assignments 30%
- Activities 15%
- Midterm 20%
- Final Exam 35%
Alternate grading available. Refer to the syllabus.
Textbook: Not required
biology 2382: cell biology
Molecular and structural organization of cells in relation to function. Composition and dynamics of the plasma membrane and membrane-bound compartments in cells. Synthesis and trafficking of proteins. Cytoskeleton and cell motility. Membrane receptors in signal and energy transduction, cell-cell adhesion and recognition. Excitable membranes.
Two, 1 hour lectures per week
Textbook: Recommended
Two, 1 hour lectures per week
- Quizzes (4) 20%
- Midterm 1 20%
- Midterm 2 20%
- Final Exam 40%
Textbook: Recommended
biology 2581: genetics
Biology 2581 is a core course in the Biology program designed to help students improve their command of key concepts and theories in molecular and evolutionary genetics. These concepts and theories can be used to understand genetics in everyday life. They also serve as the basic building blocks for understanding more advanced theories and fields in genetics.
Asynchronous lectures released in three week blocks, four in-person tutorials
Textbook: Optional
Asynchronous lectures released in three week blocks, four in-person tutorials
- Tutorial - 8%
- Test 1 - 18%
- Test 2 - 18%
- Test 3 - 18%
- Final Exam - 38%
Textbook: Optional
biology 2280: Biochemistry
An introduction to biochemistry with emphasis on protein structure and function, intermediary metabolism and nucleic acid structure and function.
Three, 1 hour lectures per week
Four different weighing schemes regarding the following. Refer to syllabus for more details:
Alternate grading available. Refer to the syllabus.
Textbook: Required
Three, 1 hour lectures per week
Four different weighing schemes regarding the following. Refer to syllabus for more details:
- Background Quiz 2%
- Best 4/6 quizzes 12%
- Scientist Spotlight Reflection 5%
- Infographic assignment 15%
- Midterm 30%
- Final Exam 36%
Alternate grading available. Refer to the syllabus.
Textbook: Required
biology 2290: Methods
Biology 2290F/G will be delivered in-person and online. Virtual sessions will be a combination of synchronous (live) and asynchronous (recorded).
Biology 2290F/G is a laboratory course in the UWO Biology program dedicated to enabling students to apply sound experimental investigation and analyses to biological questions. Selected technical, analytical, and communication skills are introduced in diverse biological contexts as students rotate through four areas of study
Refer to Syllabus for further details.
Textbook: Not Required
Biology 2290F/G is a laboratory course in the UWO Biology program dedicated to enabling students to apply sound experimental investigation and analyses to biological questions. Selected technical, analytical, and communication skills are introduced in diverse biological contexts as students rotate through four areas of study
- Molecular Biology/Instrumentation unit assignments 35%
- Field Work/Writing Unit assignments 35%
- Final Exam 30%
Refer to Syllabus for further details.
Textbook: Not Required
chemistry 2213: organic chemistry
An introduction to the basic concepts of structure, stereochemistry and reactions in organic chemistry with an emphasis on its connections to the biological, health or medical sciences.
3 lecture hours per week and five, 3 hour labs
Textbook/Lab manual: Required
3 lecture hours per week and five, 3 hour labs
- Tests of Knowledge (Midterm) 25%
- Labs (5) 20%
- WileyPlus Keeping-Up Quizzes 10%
- Final 45%
- Social Media/Peer Engagement Assignment - 2% bonus to final grade
- Orgo Themed Art on Twitter - Bonus 1% to final grade
Textbook/Lab manual: Required
Chemistry 2223: organic chemistry of biological molecules
An examination of the chemistry of naturally occurring molecules, emphasizing organic compounds of importance in the Biological and Health Sciences.
3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours (3 hours every other week)
Two Methods for Course Evaluation:
Method One:
Lab manual: Required. No textbook.
3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours (3 hours every other week)
Two Methods for Course Evaluation:
Method One:
- Midterm Test 32.5%
- Final Exam 47.5%
- Labs (5) 20%
- Midterm Test 17.5%
- Final Exam 62.5%
- Labs (5) 20%
Lab manual: Required. No textbook.
ANAT 2200B: Systemic anatomy of the human body
An introduction to the gross anatomical structures and functional connections of the core systems in the human body, including the musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, and reproductive systems. Demonstrations reinforce and extend the lectures.
2 hours of lecture and 1 lab demonstration hour per week
Textbook: Recommended
2 hours of lecture and 1 lab demonstration hour per week
- Term 1 Exam - 25%
- Term 2 Exam - 25%
- Lab Assessment (Bell Ringer) - 25%
- Lab Assignments (10) - 20%
- Quizzes (10) - 5%
Textbook: Recommended
Phys 2130: Introduction to Physiology
A survey course outlining the principles of human/mammalian physiology: general properties of
the living cell and internal environment; neural, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, and endocrine systems; metabolism, reproduction, and homeostasis.
Virtual asynchronous lectures, ~5-7 hours weekly
Textbook: No textbook.
the living cell and internal environment; neural, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, and endocrine systems; metabolism, reproduction, and homeostasis.
Virtual asynchronous lectures, ~5-7 hours weekly
- Case study #1 - Online Quiz - 2.5%
- Case study #2 - Online Quiz - 2.5%
- Case study #3 - Online Quiz - 2.5%
- Case study #4 - Online Quiz - 2.5%
- Tests 15% x 2 (30%)
- Midterm (Cumulative) 30%
- Final Exam (Cumulative) 30%
Textbook: No textbook.
Third Year Department Courses
PHYS 3140A: Cellular Physiology
Physiology 3140A is a half-course to introduce students to the basic concepts of cellular and molecular physiology and some of the molecular tools used in the field. The course consists of 5 modules: a) Cell architecture and membrane transport b) Cellular electrophysiology including ion channels and resting membrane potential c) G-protein coupled receptors and enzyme-linked receptors d) Cellular signaling e) The nucleus and gene regulation. Perturbations to the intracellular and extracellular environments of the cell will be selected to illustrate physiological responses to stimuli.
3 lecture hours per week
Textbook: No textbook
3 lecture hours per week
- In-class Quiz 1 (MC and Short Answer) - 7%
- In-class Quiz 2 (MC and Short Answer) - 8%
- Midterm Exam (MC and Short Answer) - 40%
- Final Exam (MC and Short Answer) - 45%
Textbook: No textbook
Anat 3200A: human neuroanatomy
An introduction to the central nervous system (CNS). Topics include: the basic structures and functional interconnections between subdivisions of the brain, spinal cord and autonomic nervous systems; CNS development; structures that protect and support the brain; and clinical conditions associated with disruption of the CNS. Demonstrations reinforce lecture material.
2 hours of lecture and 1 lab demonstration hour per week
Textbook: Recommended
2 hours of lecture and 1 lab demonstration hour per week
- Term 1 Exam (Written) - 25%
- Term 2 Exam (Written) - 25%
- Term 1 Lab Assessment (Bell Ringer)- 25%
- Lab Assignments (10) Weekly - 20%
- Quizzes (10) Weekly - 5%
Textbook: Recommended
anat 3309: mammalian histology
ANATCELL 3309 is a detailed study of the cellular and microscopic structure of the various tissues and organ systems of the body, with emphasis on humans, and other mammals used in medical research. Systems are examined stressing the relations of structure to function.
2 hours of lecture and 2 lab demonstration hours per week
Textbook: Optional
2 hours of lecture and 2 lab demonstration hours per week
- Quizzes (6) - 30%
- Term 1 Lab Assignments - 10%
- Term 2 Lab Assignments - 10%
- Mid-Year Exam - 25%
- Final Exam (Non-cumulative) - 25%
Textbook: Optional
Anat 3329A: medical cell biology
The study of the molecules and functions common to mammalian cells, the specializations that make differentiated cells distinct, and the diseases that result from the dysregulation or loss of these cellular functions. The lectures will cover cellular organization, biogenesis of organelles, growth and differentiation from an experimental perspective. The tutorials will consist of seminars by invited speakers on topics in cell biology with a medical relevance. These tutorials will demonstrate the approaches used to answer questions in the field of experimental cell biology.
2 hours of lecture and 1 hour of seminar per week
Textbook: Optional
2 hours of lecture and 1 hour of seminar per week
- Written comment on research paper (9) - 9%
- Midterm (short answers) - 25%
- Research assignment - 33%
- Final Exam - 33% (Short answer)
Textbook: Optional
Anat 3120: human physiology
Students study, in great detail, the physiological processes of nerve, muscle, central nervous system, renal, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, reproductive and gastrointestinal control systems as they function in living humans. The majority of the material makes reference to human physiology and uses human examples to help explain the various physiological processes.
3 lecture hours per week
Textbook: No textbook
3 lecture hours per week
- Midterm 1 - 25%
- Midterm 2 - 25%
- Final Exam - 35%
- Peerwise Assignments (3) x 2% - 6%
- Online Quizzes (3) - 9%
- Optional bonus assignment - +1%
Textbook: No textbook
biochem 3381a: biological macromolecules
Students will be exposed to these concepts in both traditional lecture and small group inquiry environments. Some of the key concepts we want you to take away, include: 1) understanding basic protein structure and the forces that govern its formation, 2) methods for protein structure prediction and analysis, 3) protein folding, 4) enzyme mediated chemical reactions and their associated kinetic parameters, and 5) how proteins govern regulator networks.
3 lecture hours and 1 hour of tutorial per week
Textbook: Not Required
3 lecture hours and 1 hour of tutorial per week
- Quizzes (2.5% x6) - 15% (lowest dropped)
- Assignment 1 - 5%
- Assignment 2 - 20%
- Assignment 3 - 20%
- Inquiry - 50%
- written report - 25%
- inquiry updates (3) x 1% - 3%
- presentation - 5%
- peer eval - 7%
- written report - 25%
Textbook: Not Required
biochem 3382a: biochemical regulation
An organism or cell must be able to regulate itself to coordinate numerous processes, respond to changes in its environment, and grow and differentiate in an orderly manner. One of the main objectives of this course is to introduce various biochemical mechanisms involved in cellular regulation. The first series of lectures deals with the structure, dynamics, replication and repair of DNA – essential cellular processes that ensure faithful transmission of genetic material from generation to generation. The second set of lectures introduces key concepts in protein-DNA interactions, and how these interactions are crucial for regulating transcription of genes in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The third set of lectures of the course delves into cellular mechanisms that regulate mRNA abundance and stability. The last set of lectures will integrate topics into a discussion of synthetic biology and biotechnology. Specific case studies addressing how synthetic biology can be used for biotechnology and to benefit human health will be discussed in class.
3 lecture hours and 1 tutorial hour per week
Textbook: No textbook
3 lecture hours and 1 tutorial hour per week
- Assignments (3) x 10% - 30% (short answer)
- Final exam - 40% (short and long answer)
- Oral presentation (group) - 15%
- Lay summary - 7.5%
- Scientific Summary - 7.5%
Textbook: No textbook
bio 3316a/b: advanced cell biology
This course focuses on the functional organization and physiology of cells with special reference to cell communication mechanisms, intracellular signaling pathways, cellular membranes, metabolism, cell motility, and cell specializations. The course introduces students to the interpretation of primary literature and discusses current developments in the field of cell biology.
Lecture are online and live
Textbook: Recommended
Lecture are online and live
- Midterm 1 (non cumulative) - 15%
- Misterm 2 (non cumulative) - 25%
- Tutorial Presentation - 15%
- Tutorial Participation - 5%
- Final exam (cumulative) - 40%
Textbook: Recommended
biochem 3380G: biochemistry laboratory
The experiments in this course are intended to introduce you to some of the methods and equipment used in biochemical and molecular biological research, and to illustrate some of the principles taught in the biochemistry lecture courses. An important part of the research process is communicating findings. You will learn to write a laboratory report in an accepted scientific format. You will be assessed on these written reports and on your understanding of the techniques and the principles behind them.
One 4 hour lab each week
One 4 hour lab each week
- 5 assignments - 13%
- 5 online report-writing quizzes - 3%
- 11 written submissions - 52%
- 2 ComPAIR tasks - 2%
- Professionalism and performance - 10%
- Final exam - 20%
Fourth Year Department Courses
Anat 4410A: discovery based cell biology i
Students will examine the controversial social/ethical parameters that guide bench-to-bedside experimentation and clinical translation with a particular focus on the cell biology associated with human stem cells, cloning, and genetic screening and editing. Other modules will present the advanced cell biological principles and the research pathways that lead to new discoveries related to the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix, and cancer cell biology. Students will also be trained in effective debating, scientific presentations and critical review.
3 lecture hours per week
Textbook: Not Required
3 lecture hours per week
- 3 modules
- Module 1: Ethics in Cell Biology - debate/take home - worth 33.3%
- Module 2: Cell biology of aging and senescence - timed test - worth 33.3 %
- Module 3: Cell Biology of Cancer - take home - worth 33.4%
Textbook: Not Required
Anat 4411B: discovery based cell biology ii
This course focuses on cell specialization, the cell biology of aging and cell signaling. Students will also be trained in effective grant writing, abstract writing and scientific presentations focusing on a Nobel Laureate.
3 lecture hours per week
Textbook: Not Required.
3 lecture hours per week
- 3 modules
- Cell Signaling and Human Diseases - Exam 33.3%
- Cell Senescence and Aging - Exam 33.3%
- Cell Specialization -Exam 33.4%
- Cell Signaling and Human Diseases - Exam 33.3%
Textbook: Not Required.
Anat 4451F: integrative neuroscience
This course examines brain function underlying specific fundamental behavioural tasks. Topics include learning and memory, reward and addiction, neurodevelopment and regeneration, motor systems, the neuroendocrine system, and neurodegenerative diseases.
4 lecture/lab hours per week
Textbook: Not Required.
4 lecture/lab hours per week
- Neuroanatomy Assignment 5%
- Histology Assignment 5%
- Experimental Design Assignment 10%
- Protocol Design Assignment 10%
- Grad School Assignment 10%
- Presentation 20%
- Final Exam - 40%
Textbook: Not Required.
Anat 4452B: neurobiology of mental illness
An introduction to common mental health disorders focusing on anatomical, clinical, biological, genetic and epidemiological aspects of psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, addiction, depression, phobias, panic/anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, OCD, paranoia and autism.
2 Lecture hours and 2 Tutorial/Debate hour
2 Lecture hours and 2 Tutorial/Debate hour
- Public Health Information Brochure - 10%
- Debate - 15%
- Midterm Test - 30%
- Literature Critique (Presentation) - 15%
- Final Exam - 30%
Anat 4461B: translational models of cancer
This course introduces main cancer types in terms of histology, prognosis, biomarkers, imaging, and sites of metastasis. Students will learn what translational cancer research is and will get a historical perspective of how findings in the basic sciences have led to better prevention, detection and treatments for cancer. These learning objectives will be achieved by focusing on four different types of cancer: ovarian, cervical, breast, glioblastoma and melanoma. For each section, students will learn about the histology of the cancer and the underlying anatomy in order to understand disease progression and routes of metastasis. Students will learn about key clinical problems that are associated with each cancer, as well as the basic research models that are used to address such problems. An emphasis will be placed on findings that were made in basic science laboratories and that have, or soon will be, translated to the clinic. Critical thinking and presentation skills will be emphasized in the evaluations.
1 lecture hour and 3 tutorial hours per week
- Ovarian and Cervical Cancer Oral Presentation 5%
- Ovarian and Cervical Cancer Participation/Quiz 5%
- Ovarian Cancer Assignment 20%
- Breast Cancer Oral Paper Presentation 20%
- Melanoma Treatment Debates 20%
- Melanoma Participation, Quizzes and Polls 5%
- Final Exam 25%
Textbook: Not Required.
Anat 4425b: advanced clinical histology
ANATCELL/PATH 4425 is an advanced clinical histology course that focuses on the microscopic evaluation and interpretation of tissue sections obtained from humans and animals. Lectures and laboratory sessions will focus on examining select histology specimens obtained from healthy tissue/organs and from humans and animal models of disease.
2021/22 (New Course)
2 hour lecture and 2 hour lab, weekly
Textbook: Optional
2021/22 (New Course)
2 hour lecture and 2 hour lab, weekly
- Assignments 10% x 4 (40%)
- Quiz 1 5%
- Quizzes 10% x 3 (30%)
- Final Exam 25%
Textbook: Optional
biochem 4410A: molecular biology of DNA and RNA
The use of fundamental techniques in molecular biology and genomics are illustrated using examples from classic and current literature. Selected topics include the molecular biology of HIV and SARS-CoV-2 and drug screening, telomere biology and the intersection between RNAi, retrotransposons and RNA editing.
2 hour in-person lectures per week
Textbook: Optional
2 hour in-person lectures per week
- Assignment 1 - Section 1 Topic - 25%
- Assignment 2 - Section 2 Topic - 25%
- Assignment 3 - Section 3 Topic - 25%
- Assignment 4 - Section 4 Topic - 25%
Textbook: Optional
biochem 4420a: molecular biology of proteins
The aim of this course is to uncover and discuss the general principles that govern protein structure, folding, and stability; their interactions with other molecules; their ability to catalyze complex chemical reactions; and their biogenesis and degradation.
2 lecture hours and 1 tutorial hour, weekly
Textbook: Not Required
2 lecture hours and 1 tutorial hour, weekly
- Assignment 1 - 15%
- Assignment 2 - 15%
- Video Assignment - 25%
- Assignment 3 - 10%
- Final Exam 35%
Textbook: Not Required
ANAT 4201B: Cadaveric Anatomy - Organs & Systems
An advanced human anatomy course which integrates asynchronous lecture material with cadaveric laboratory dissections to explain the structural and functional relationships between the various organs that comprise the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urogenital and central nervous systems. Special attention is given to clinical conditions associated with these anatomical systems.
Asynchronous lectures and 3 hour lab session
Textbook: Not Required. All resources uploaded to OWL.
Asynchronous lectures and 3 hour lab session
- Head and Neck Exam (Written) - 25%
- Head and Neck Lab Exam (Practical) - 20%
- Abdomen and Pelvis Exam (Written) - 25%
- Abdomen and Pelvis Lab Exam (Practical) - 20%
- Participation - 10%
Textbook: Not Required. All resources uploaded to OWL.
The project course is the core of our honours modules. As a course, it is first and foremost a guided educational program in which students work on an independent research project under the mentorship of a faculty supervisor and other lab members. The goal of the course is to give students the opportunity to participate in science, rather than simply consume it.
15 hours per week minimum
15 hours per week minimum
- First Oral Presentation 8%
- First Written Report 10%
- Final Written Report 50%
- Second Oral Presentation 12%
- Final Performance Evaluation 20%